Manual packing to target weightÂ
Using the MPe system for manual packing jobs makes it possible to ensure that all packs are within the accepted tolerance limits - quite close to the ideal target weight - thus keeping give-aways to an absolute minimum and enabling optimal utilization of the raw materials.
The weighing system is connected to the PlusFlex PM, installed on a central PC. From here it is possible to download product data to the weighing system and generate packing reports and statistics.
In PlusFlex PM it is also possible to monitor production data online.
Manual e-weighing
The MPe system also represents an efficient solution for manual e-weighing control of packed products. The system summarises the weight and number of packs in the batch in a production run and checks whether they comply with e-weighing requirements for weight tolerances and mean value.
If the pack weight is below the e-weighing tolerances, a red LED on the weight indicator turns on, allowing operators to reject the packs that might otherwise result in rejection of the entire batch in a random check
Automatic checkweighing
Are you looking for an automatic checkweigher for inline integration in production lines? Find more information about all our checkweighers.