
This document is the Code of Conduct for Scanvaegt Systems A/S, hereafter called the Code of Conduct. The purpose of the Code of Conduct is to outline Scanvaegt Systems A/S’s position regarding Human and Labour Rights, Environment and Business Ethics and Anti-Corruption.


The policies stated in this document apply to all business units of Scanvaegt Systems A/S.




Scanvaegt Systems A/S operates in a responsible manner, and we have an ambition to contribute to sustainable development as well as to maintain and strengthen our high level of integrity and credibility. We respect the 10 principles of the UN Global Compact on human rights, labour rights, the environment and anti-corruption. With this as a starting point, we have produced a Code of Conduct that constitutes an internal set of rules for ethical conduct at Scanvaegt Systems A/S.

Our Code of Conduct stipulates standards that all employees at Scanvaegt Systems A/S must follow. The Code of Conduct clearly states what we expect from employees and people acting on behalf of Scanvaegt Systems A/S, including board members and executives (hereafter encapsulated by into the broader term of employees). When Scanvaegt Systems A/S and “we” are used in this Code of Conduct, it means that the obligations and expectations apply to Scanvaegt Systems A/S as a company, as well as all employees, managers, board members and others acting on behalf of Scanvaegt Systems A/S such as agents, consultants and other business partners.

If an employee of Scanvaegt Systems A/S is unsure about what is the correct thing to do, she or he must consult management. Employees are encouraged to act immediately if they are caught in a situation that is in violation of this Code of Conduct. Employees must report Code of Conduct violations in accordance with the following:

  • Inform the nearest manager
  • Inform the CEO
  • Inform the CFO

It is in the interests of Scanvaegt Systems A/Sthat any violation of the Code of Conduct is reported. Therefore, Scanvaegt Systems A/S does not tolerate reprisals against an employee who reports any violation of the Code of Conduct.

In addition, Scanvaegt Systems A/S wishes to work with our suppliers to further their social responsibilities on an ongoing basis. That is why we have accordingly produced a Supplier Code of Conduct which provides a basis for dialogue with our suppliers as well as for monitoring their work in terms of accountability. 

1      Regulatory compliance

In addition to this Code of Conduct, we expect our employees to comply with all applicable international, national and local legislation as well as a range of regulations and industry standards. In the event that local legislation has higher requirements than this Code of Conduct, local legislation is adhered to.  

2      Human rights

2.1     Human rights in general

Scanvaegt Systems A/S respects human rights and labour rights as stipulated by international human rights law in addition to the eight founding conventions of the International Labour Organisation, ILO. Scanvaegt Systems A/S undertakes not to violate human rights and labour rights and will act upon and address any adverse effects in which Scanvaegt Systems A/S may become embroiled in.

2.2     Privacy

Scanvaegt Systems A/S respects the privacy of its employees and customers.

We respect personal data and treat it with care and in full accordance with applicable laws and regulations.  

2.3     Discrimination

Scanvaegt Systems A/S does not discriminate against customers and others in our value chain on the basis of race, skin colour, gender, religion, political or other such beliefs, age, disability, nationality, social or ethnic background, income, sexual orientation, assets or other status recognised by international law.

2.4     Influence of local communities

Scanvaegt Systems A/S considers and addresses the impact our activities have on human rights in the local community where we operate.  

2.5     Country risk

Scanvaegt Systems A/S takes necessary precautions to avoid involvement in human rights violations in countries where our business operates.

2.6     Health and safety

Scanvaegt Systems A/S provides a safe and healthy working environment.

  • We are responsible for our employees’ health and safety.
  • We provide training and ensure employees are trained in health and safety matters.
  • We manage risks and take the best precautions to guard against accidents and work-related illness.
  • We use an appropriate health and safety management system at Scanvaegt Systems A/S.

2.7     Salaries, remuneration, absence and leave

Scanvaegt Systems A/S pays its employees wages and remuneration such that it ensures they can maintain a reasonable standard of living. At a minimum, we comply with local laws and minimum wage regulations. Salaries are paid in legal tender at least once a month.  

Employees are entitled to sick leave and maternity leave in accordance with local legislation. 

2.8     Working hours

Scanvaegt Systems A/Srespects that the allowable number of hours worked on a normal basis should not exceed 48 hours weekly, and with a maximum limit of 60 hours including overtime. Overtime must be planned in a way that ensures safe and humane working conditions. Our employees can work more than 60 hours if it is voluntary and allowed by local legislation.

The number of continuous workdays must comply with local regulations and, at a minimum, employees are always entitled to at least one day off per week.

2.9     Coercion and disciplinary action

Scanvaegt Systems A/S does not use and does not tolerate physical punishment, threats of violence and other forms of physical or psychological coercion or abused.  

2.10   Freedom of speech

Scanvaegt Systems A/S does not use reprisals to prevent employees from expressing dissatisfaction with their working conditions in an open and loyal manner. Employees can report any violation of the Code of Conduct without fear of reprisals.

2.11   Condemnation of the procurement of Sexual Services and Child Pornography

Scanvaegt Systems A/S does not in any way endorse the procurement of sexual services, the sexual exploitation of children or child pornography. Any such action may promote human tracking, which is a violation of Human Rights. SCANVAEGT SYSTEMS A/S employees on assignment and/or business trips are expected to respect and comply with the company’s position on this matter, both during and outside working hours.

3      Workers’ rights

3.1     Child labour

Scanvaegt Systems A/S does not participate in child labour in any such way whatsoever— neither directly or indirectly.

Children should not work until they are above school leaving age, and the minimum age for full-time employment is 15 years (or 14 years where permitted by local law). Employees under the age of 18 are not allowed to do dangerous work or work at night, no matter how many hours are worked. The minimum age for light work/leisure work (work that does not interfere with a child's education) is 13 years (or 12 years where permitted by local law).

In all types of work when employing children, we endeavour to specify the working duties, working hours and workload with particular regard to the young age of the employee.

3.2     Forced labour and freedom of movement

Scanvaegt Systems A/S does not make use of forced or compulsory labour — neither directly or indirectly. Forced or compulsory labour is defined as work or a service that a person undertakes under threat of punishment or against his or her own will. Employees must have the right to freedom of movement in connection with their employment.

We do not withhold employees' personal papers, work permits or wages.

We provide employees with a confirmation of their terms of employment, in accordance with local legislation.

3.3     Discrimination

Scanvaegt Systems A/Sdoes not discriminate when it comes to employment or during the recruitment process on the grounds of race, skin colour, gender, language, religion, political or other beliefs, age, disability, nationality, social or ethnic background, assets, sexual orientation, or other status — neither directly or indirectly. We offer equal opportunities to all individuals and make an active effort to achieve a corporate culture and workplace free from discrimination and harassment. Scanvaegt Systems A/S has zero tolerance for sexual harassment and all other forms of harassment.

Scanvaegt Systems A/S does not require employees take a mandatory HIV or AIDS test.

3.4     Trade unions and the right to collective bargaining

We do not interfere with or prevent the right of employees to join a union or their right to collective bargaining.

In situations or countries where the right to trade unions and collective bargaining is restricted by legislation, we recognize that employees must have the opportunity of association and collective bargaining in other ways.

4      Environment

4.1     Environmental Management System

Scanvaegt Systems A/S complies with all legislation regarding the protection of the environment.

We strive to use environmental management systems to:

  • Reduce the amount of waste discharged into the air, soil and water.
  • Handle chemicals in an environmentally-friendly way.
  • Manage, store and dispose of hazardous waste in an environmentally-friendly way.
  • Contribute to the reutilisation and recycling of materials and products.
  • Implement environmentally-friendly technologies.

4.2     Product safety

Products manufactured and processed by Scanvaegt Systems A/S must comply with all regulations and rules when it comes to product safety.

5      Business ethics and anti-corruption

Scanvaegt Systems A/S wants to show honesty and integrity when working with colleagues, authorities, customers, suppliers, business partners, organizations and other business relationships.

Scanvaegt Systems A/S will not tolerate any kind of corruption. We do not offer, promise or give any kind of bribe to exert undue influence over public servants, judges or business associates. Also, we will not receive or accept any kind of bribes.

Corruption is taken to mean any abuse of position and/or trust for the benefit of the individual or company through, for example, bribery. Bribery is taken to mean services and gifts that, contrary to generally accepted business and local custom, are of unreasonably high and uncommon value as well as cash, securities and other personal payments. Our zero tolerance also applies in relation to so-called “facilitation payments” or “buttering up”, which may be the payment of a small amount of money to a public person or authority to speed up the expedition of a routine case (e.g. issuing a permit or visa).

Our position on corruption does not prevent us from nurturing and promoting good business relationships with clients and other partners as long as any exchanged benefits are befitting and exchanged openly and otherwise comply with this Code and Conduct.

Scanvaegt Systems A/S supports and wishes to promote fair competition. Therefore, Scanvaegt Systems A/Scomplies with all relevant competition law and does not enter into illegal anticompetitive agreements nor exchanges unlawful pricing and/or market information with competitors.

6      Conflict of interest

Scanvaegt Systems A/S employees must always work in the best interests of Scanvaegt Systems A/S and avoid all actions that could be perceived as favouring others at the cost ofScanvaegt Systems A/S. Employees must avoid all kinds of activities that conflict with the interests of the company or adversely affect the employee’s judgement and integrity.

Interests such as ownership, board seats, etc., in competing companies or companies with significant business relationships withScanvaegt Systems A/S, must, at the very least, be approved by Scanvaegt Systems A/S Management (CEO).

Agreements – including recruitment, procurement of goods and services – must always be entered into with transparency and in the best interests of Scanvaegt Systems A/S. Measures must be taken to avoid making agreements based solely on obtaining close relationships and/or family members. Transparency and the approval of the nearest manager is mandatory in situations relating to agreements with close relationships and/or family members.  

Scanvaegt Systems A/S has no political affiliation and we do not support political campaigns or any other political actions.

7      Confidentiality

We protect confidential business information about our goods and data. Confidentiality is maintained both during employees' employment and after their severance. We respect other people's intellectual property rights and confidential information.

8      Non-compliance and penalties

Non-compliance with the Code of Conduct may result in disciplinary action, including dismissal. In those instances where breach of Code of Conduct constitutes an unlawful offence, it may result in a lawsuit against the employee.

The safety of our employees is paramount and not open for discussion. Because none of our employees are allowed to be put at risk under any circumstances, breaches of the Code of Conduct are accepted in emergency situations.

This Code of Conduct was originally published in Danish. In case of any disagreement, the Danish version is applicable.


Scanvaegt Systems A/S Kvalitetshåndbog [Quality Handbook] Cf. MID-ISO 9001.